Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Family of Bear 

                 There was one family of bear lived on  a mountain. Every day, the father of bear always went to look for food to support family. One day, the father of bear was sick, and he could not go out to look for food as usual. He said to his wife. "Darling! Today, I'm not well, so I couldn't go out. Cam you go to look for food instead of me?" The wife replied, "Yes, I can, dear. But, I have a lot of housework. I'm not sure I can do it." At that time, the children spoke up, "We can do it." At that time, the children  spoke up. "We can help you, mom. " The father continued, "Well, darling! Our children are big enough to help you. However, they are under my observation." The mother agreed and said, "I will go out to look for you." Then, the mother of bear went out and children helped doing housework and looked after their father. Later on, the father got better, and they lived with each other happily ever after.

Moral Values

  • In one family, we cannot depend on only one person forever. 
  • To be ready all the time and make yourself independent.
  • You inherit a heavy obligation from birth.