Wednesday, August 26, 2015

7 meals can help reduce hair loss and grow faster

            Hair loss problems can occur in men or women due to a lack of nutrients. Apart from other treatment and care to eat foods rich in protein, some vitamins and minerals can also contribute to hair growth and prevent hair loss. Below are some foods that you experience hair loss should eat:

1. Carrots and sweet potatoes

            Not only carrots Vitamin A helps the eyes alone, but vitamin A also helpsgrow the hair. The tubers, sweet potato contains beta-carotene, which transforms known as vitamin A in the body that helps to grow clear of hair.


   Foods that are easy to buy and benefits is the egg. It's not only rich in nutrients such as proteinvitamin B12, iron, zinc and omega-6 acid, but what is unique is Biotin (vitamin B7) that helps preventhair loss.

3.Oat (like wheat)
     Oat grain is rich in fiber, zinc, iron, omega-6 acid and polyunsaturated fatty acid that these substances help growthclear of thick hair and makes hair healthy. You can buy oat supermarkets.


Chicken provides a good source of protein, which helps strengthen hair stronger and prevents hairautumn.

5. Strawberries institutions

Strawberries institutional substance rich in silica. Silica is a mineral important to help stimulate hair growth and make hair stronger. Silica can be found in some vegetables such as cabbages, cucumbers, onions, cauliflower and grains.

6.Sour milk

Yuan Ouch milk or yogurt with vitamin B5 and vitamin D, known as it helps to strengthen hair roots well.

7.Foods rich in vitamin C

The lack of vitamin C makes iron absorption of the lower body, which is why hair loss. Vitamin C has antioxidant and prevent free radicals, which helps prevent hair loss or weak hair. Vitamin C rich citrus fruit papaya lemon.